Monday 4 January 2016

26th Dec 2015-1st Jan 2016- Toubkal, High Atlas

On Boxing day i caught an early flight from Stansted to Marrakesh in Morocco. I arrived in the afternoon and was able to have a wander round the city and have some dinner before meeting Mohammed our guide and fellow walker Hannah.
 The next day after breakfast we we're taken by minibus up into the mountains via windy roads to the ski station Oukaimeden, but there was no snow as it was very warm for the time of year. We started walking along track and path to the mountain pass Tizi n'ou Addi (2960m), where we enjoyed the view before carrying on down into the valley and to our first night stop in the Berber village of Tachedirt.
Tizi n'ou Addi
At the Berber lodge we had lunch and mint tea and then after a walk round the village had a traditional meal including a soup and a tagine, well fed.
Looking back at Tachedirt
Monday morning we left the village following a track down the valley, it was a cold start but was very warm when the sun got to us. The track took us to the pass Tizi n Tamatert and as Mohammed stopped at the tea shop, me and Hannah made it up to a little peak Aourirt (2724m) where the ground was rough and loose but at the top had great views over the valley below with a backdrop of higher mountain peaks.
Hannah on Aourirt
We then headed down and after a tea it was down a windy path into the valley and then a traverse to the Mohammeds home village of Aremd where we stayed in another lodge and again ate well. The lodge was also inhabited by another organised group Exodus, who were also heading up Toubkal.
View of Toubkal from the odge at Aremd
Tuesday morning after breakfast the mules were loaded and we headed up the Mizane Valley on a steady uphill path. Despite it being a sunny day, we were in the cold for most of the morning as we were in the shade.
Waking up the Mizane Valley
There were some icy patches which the Mules struggled with, but despite this it was another easy walk and we made it to the Neltner refuge at 3200m for lunch.
Neltner Refuge
After lunch i took out in the sun to do a small hour walk up a hillside for good views upto the head of the valley. Back at the refuge it was busy with all the people there to climb Toubkal or other hills in the valley.
View from my afternoon walk
After dinner we went to bed in the shared dorm, where i got my first proper night sleep.
The next day we geared up and headed up the valley to the mountain Ouanoukrim. At the head of the valley we had a steep snowy slope to ascend, so with crampons on walked upto the col Tizi n Ouagane.
Heading up Tizi n Ougange
At the top we had a quick rest and then carried on, heading up on a ridge which became a rocky scramble, so  crampons off. It wad a nice scramble with only one nervy bit due to loose rock. At the top of the ridge it was a big snow slope upto the top, so with crampons we ascended to the summit zig zagging uphill on the icy snow.
The slog up Ounoukrim
It was hard going due to the slope and altitude but we all made it to the summit of Ouanoukrim (4089m) with great views of Toubkal, surrounding mountains and the sahara.
Toubkal from Ounoukrim
It was quicker on the way down but i failed to keep up with Hannah on the descent as she speeded downhill to the ridge. It was back along the ridge and then the snow slope back into the valley and back to the refuge for lunch.
Back at Tizi n Ougange
Thursday was new years eve, we had an early start for the ascent of Toubkal. We left the refuge just as it was getting light and it was straight uphill up a stoney path until the gradient eased off.
Uphill to Toubkal
We eventually came to the snowline but the snow was grippy so didn't bother with crampons, just easing an ice axe on the steeper gradient.
The start of the snow to Tizi n Toubkal
We passed a lot of people on the way up to the col of Tizi n Toubkal. It was then an easy uphill walk along a ridge to the summit at 4167m where we took photos an enjoyed the sun and took in the views.
Toubkal summit
Me, Hannah and Mohammed
Ounoukrim from Toubkal
We came down a different way, along a rocky ridge and then a scree slope downhill which me and Mohammed raced down, but unfortunately Hannah didn't like the scree and when she caught up tried to hide her dislike of the route down. 
Descending from the summit
We then came to the snow so put crampons on for the descent until the snow ended and then it was back down the same way to the refuge. We then had lunch at the refuge, then loaded the mules for the descent back down the valley to Aremd getting there just after 3pm. 
Back at Aremd
We had our final dinner together at the lodge and all had an early night, not making it to midnight.
On new years day after breakfast we got a lift to Imlil and then another lift back to Marrakesh and after checking in at the hotel and having a shower i went for another look round the city.
Place Jemaa el Fna, Marrakesh
In the evening i bumped into the Exodus group in a bar, and so joined them for dinner having a very goof meal in a restaurant looking over the busy Place Jemaa el Fna. The next day it was an early flight back to Stansted.

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