Wednesday, 8 January 2014

22nd December 2013- Dunedin 3 Peaks route

I woke tuesday morning (22 Dec) had breakfast then caught the bus a 9:13am and got off at the George St/Duke St interchange (roughly the start of the Dunedin 3 Peaks race in Woodhaugh). I then ran/walked up the street and then took a footpath up which took me to Cannington Rd (Wrong turn) but I carried on up the road to another turn off and started running following the path whic pretty much looped round (another wrong turn) and I followed this up to a sign pointing to the Pineapple track and so followed this uphill and eventually came to the summit of Flagstaff, the first peak.
Dunedin from Flagstaff
The weather was very on off, warm, cold, windy, rainy and fine, very much like England. It was easy following the Swampy ridge track to Swampy summit, littered with meteorological stations, masts etc. After being satisfied I was at the top I followed the track back and turned onto the Leith Saddle track down to the road. I crossed the road and went down a gravel track till I came to the a reservoir where I followed a path into the bush and then backtracked after several, minutes realizing it was incorrect.
Boring Track on Swampy
 I then found the tricky path upto Mount Cargill following through thick bush. I came out of the bush to a wide track and I followed this and came to the summit of the third peak, which also had a big mast on. It was windy up there so followed the path off and the long decent into Normanby. I did about 19 miles in total (approx 3 more than meant to). I then walked 2-3miles back to the hostel.
Top of Mount Cargill

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