Wednesday, 18 December 2013

11-13th December 2013 Tongariro Northern Circuit NZ

Wednesday afternoon. I catch the Nakedbus at 1:30pm from National Park village and ten minutes later I'm in Whakapapa. I start the walk along the lower falls walk and then take the turn off on the Northern Circuit towards Mangatapopo hut.
The start
It's a hot day and the sun is out with a few wispy clouds. I pass a few other trampers coming the other way, on the final leg of the same walk but going anti-clockwise. There are some well made paths, boardwalks, steps and where the path is a little bit rough it is well marked by stakes.
The track, Ngauruhoe on the right
I catch up with a couple of swiss girls and chat with them for a bit and then head off at my own pace. I make it to Mangatapopo hut in just over two hours so I have a long time to kill. The hut is basic but still has gas stoves and water (from the roof) and a seperate toilet block. I hang out and play cards with a very international group consisting off swiss, Israeli, Canadian... before heading to bed.
View from the hut
Thursday morning, I wake at about 5am and set off at 5:30. Its light and both the summits mount Ngauruho and Tongariro are clear as there is very little clouds around. I start up the track and start ascending after the soda springs.
Mount Taranaki in the distance
I pass two guys working the tracks (even earlier start for them) and they point out mount Taranaki (highest mountain on the north island, also sum 100 miles away). I carry on and as I near the crater I see the turn off for Mount Ngaurahoe, so I do.
The foot of Mount Doom (Ngaurahoe)
At the foot of the imposing volcano I drop my bag and just take my emergency kit and head upwards. It was a long ascent up a steep incline, with very loose scree. After reaching the summit, I walk to the top and enjoy amazing 360 views and also get an impressive look into the crater.
Ruapehu from the top of Ngaurahoe
I head back down the scree slopes and perfect my ski technique so i'm back down to my pack in no time. I then carry on along the track and as I cross along the flat bottom of South Crater i'm walking past masses of people doing the day walk , the Northern Crossing. After going up past Mangatapopo Saddle I turn off to the summit of Mount Tongariro where eat some Camembert, bread and nuts.
From the top of  Mount Tongariro
I then continue back along the track passing the Red Crater and Emerald lakes. The track then leaves the Northern Crossing and down Oturere Valley where I don't see anyone until I come to Oturere hut where I share a chat and tea with a French Polynesian man.
Emerald Lakes
After tea I then had a three hour walk along what felt like a desert and then an uphill and downhill through a forest to come to the Waihohonu Hut, where I was rather worn out. Its still only about 3pm so I read, sit in the sun, walk to an old historic hut and wash in a river to pass the time before eating and going to bed.
River by Oturere Hut
Friday morning I wake having had loads of sleep. I get off about 7 and head to Whakapapa. I walk along a flatter section through volcanic wasteland with Mount Ngauruhoe on one side an the higher Mount Ruapehu on the other.
Back on track
It's another dry day but is cooler as the sun is behind cloud. After a couple of hours I come to Tama Saddle and I take the route off to Tama Lakes, first coming to the lower lake and then after an uphill to the upper lake viewpoint. I realize I have loads of time so I continue along a ridge off the track and up a steep uphill to the top of an unamed peak.
Upper Tama Lake
After getting a good view of the lava flows on the southern slopes of mount ngauruhoe I head back down to the main track. I rejoin the Northern Circuit track and head towards Whakapapa. The track was long and this part had a lot of undulations.
Taranaki Falls
As the track neared its end I passes Taranaki falls and then finished in Whakapapa with a three hour wait for the 3:45 bus back to National Park village.
Me on top of Mount Doom

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